How to get to El Paredon? It's a short drive from the City or Antigua. Check out our map below.
Mellow Hostel El Paredon Buena Vista 4 Calle, Lote 139 Caserio El Milagro, Sipacate, Escuintla Guatemala

We offer Shuttles to and from Antigua, Guatemala City and Lago Atitlan (Panajachel and San Pedro). We also offer a daily Shuttle to El Salvador. COMING TO US: Departure Guatemala City: 7AM and 11AM Departure Antigua: 9AM, 10 AM and 2PM Departure Panajachel, Lago Atitlan: 1PM LEAVING US TO: Antigua and Guatemala City at 9AM, 10AM and 3PM. El Salvador at 9AM. Lago Atitlan, Panajachel: 8AM or San Pedro at 9AM and 1:30PM. Times are subject to change, please contact us for details. We also offer private rides all around Guatemala at any time. Contact us for prices and booking.